Sprinting and hillclimbing is all about getting from the start to the finish of a defined tarmac course in a time quicker than anyone else. Sprinting and hillclimbing therefore differs significantly from racing in that there are no other cars in close proximity to you on the track.

 Sprinting generally takes place on a geographically flat course such as an old airfield or a racing circuit. Hillclimbing differs only in that it does literally involve climbing hills. The latter usually being custom venues many of which (such as Shelsley Walsh) date back to the dawn of motorsport if not the dawn of motoring itself.

There are many websites which give a good overview of what the sport is about in general so it is not worth repeating this here. Instead follow these links to:

The Morgan Sports Car Club normally holds a special Introduction to Sprinting Day at Curborough, near Lichfield every spring. The 2023 day will be held on Sunday 26th March. Contact Chris Bailey ( if you are interested.

The purpose of this event is to give new competitors the opportunity to drive a full course and be given instruction on the correct lines for corners, braking techniques, etc, whilst either being accompanied or observed by an experienced instructor. All instructors will be current competitors in the Morgan Speed Championship. The event is non-competitive and no times will be recorded.

Although not essential to begin the sport some people choose to attend a specialist school to learn more about the sport in a safe environment with experienced instructors such as: